BY THE VILLAGE SUN | Following a fatal stabbing on E. 14th Street, Councilmember Carlina Rivera said progress has been made dealing with the “chaotic…
Posts tagged as “Trader Joe’s”
BY THE VILLAGE SUN | One man was left dead and a woman and a second man were injured on a down-and-out strip in the…
BY LINCOLN ANDERSON | Well, that was “pronto.” The same day Trader Joe’s opened a new grab-and-go store at the site of its former TJ’s…
BY THE VILLAGE SUN | The verdict is still out on whether CBD is really worth the hype —but don’t try telling that to an…
BY LINCOLN ANDERSON | Following the closure of the Trader Joe’s Wine Shop near Union Square, a Trader Joe’s source filled The Village Sun in…
A thug knocked an elderly woman to the ground as she was wheeling a cart outside the Trader Joe’s supermarket on the Lower East Side,…
The Trader Joe’s in Chelsea was recently temporarily closed after multiple staff members at the store tested positive for coronavirus, the chain’s Web site announced.…
On Wednesday morning, Traders Joe’s closed its Hudson Square store, at 233 Spring St., near Sixth Ave., after crew members there tested positive for COVID-19.…
The Union Square Trader Joe’s was closed for sanitizing after a worker there just tested positive for coronavirus. A Village Sun reader sent the paper…