BY JEFFERSON SIEGEL | Restaurants reopening to full capacity. Sports teams welcoming fans to games again. Times Square filling with tourists.
To the list of events rebounding to normalcy, add an important one: the return of electronics recycling.

The weekend collections of unwanted chips and circuitry for recycling, suspended as the rest of the world shut down during the pandemic, has resumed again.

And if this past Saturday was any indication, there was a lot of pent-up demand as closetsful of unwanted components were brought to a pop-up collection site on W. 43rd St. near 10th Ave.

Christine Datz-Romero, director of the Lower East Side Ecology Center, said 309 families participated in Saturday’s Hell’s Kitchen event that filled a truck with more than 8,000 pounds of used TVs, laptops, stereos and other items that will be repurposed instead of dumped into landfill.

The weekend collections, held at various locations around town by LESEC, will continue in Queens through the end of June, then resume citywide in September.
For more information on upcoming events as well as what can be recycled, check out their FAQ’s.
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