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Bagel battle averted! Store name brouhaha could have cost a lot of dough

BY ALEC PRUCHNICKI | A potential legal war over a business trade name apparently has been averted. It’s lucky for the parties involved because it could have been “schmear war” — a messy “schmear campaign.”

Hudson Bagel is a store that started on Hudson Street, moved to Christopher Street years ago, survived COVID, and is doing business today. A few weeks ago, another bagel shop called Hudson Bagels was set to open at the northwest corner of Hudson and Charles Streets.  According to one of the staff at the original Hudson Bagel, it had no connection to the new place and the addition of the letter “s” at the end of the latter’s name did not seem like enough to distinguish the two stores once the phone orders started coming in.

A new store was going to open nearby with the name Hudson Bagels. (Photo by Alec Pruchnicki)

Somehow, this potential conflict got back to the new store owners and the canopy has been changed to read Sofia’s Bagels. Although legal battles over business names can generate a lot of publicity for both combatants, the cost and energy to engage in a long legal fight can be too significant to make it worthwhile.

Ultimately, the new store’s name was changed to Sofie’s Bagels — heading off a potentially nasty “schmear campaign.” (Photo by Alec Pruchnicki)

It has been a while since the city has seen a good legal fight of this type, such as the great pizza conflicts of the past (Ray’s, Joe’s, Patsy’s, Prince Street Pizza pepperoni slice recipe, etc.) but it looks like this case will not carry on that tradition. There will be peace in our time, at least for now.

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