As protests over the George Floyd killing in Minneapolis continue to flare, marchers in Manhattan made their way through Soho and Union Square on Tuesday.
They didn’t walk, though — they ran. Maybe they were trying to shake the police off their tail.

Police have been following the mostly young marchers, including using helicopters to keep an eye on their movements.
Floyd, 46, died in police custody on May 25, after Officer Derek Chauvin pinned him down with a knee on his neck for about nine minutes.

Chauvin was quickly charged, four days later, with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
In addition, on Wednesday, the three other officers involved in Floyd’s arrest were all charged with aiding and abetting murder while Chauvin’s top charge was upgraded to second-degree murder.

I observed the Tuesday “peaceful protest” up Broadway from my fire escape
Your story is illustrated with protesters running “to shake police off their tail”
This is not the case. I observed the entire half hour march and did not see one cop
accompany the march and certainly no one was chase. I did observe self-appointed
leaders signaling marchers to run to close ranks. That’s all