BY THE VILLAGE SUN | Shake yer shin bells!
They really rang in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at Tea & Sympathy — literally — this past weekend.

While the cavalry trotted by and Harry and Meghan were royally snubbed across the pond, in Greenwich Village, husband-and-wife restauraunt owners Nicky Perry and Sean Kavanagh-Dowsett put on a properly British blowout of their own, including Morris dancers and more.

The Bouwerie Boys Morris Dancers, along with musical dancers from The Max Dolgin Trio Plus, kicked up their heels — and the bells strapped to their shins — outside the British restaurant at 108 Greenwich Ave.

Morris dancing is a style of English folk dance dating back to the Middle Ages.
The festivities celebrated Queen Elizabeth’s record-setting 70 years on the English throne.
looks fabulous – I love that shop. The food is delicious. Their teas are FANTASTIC