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Lee Klein owns Dali…after adding AI to his palette

BY STEPHEN DiLAURO | Poet, writer, Fusionist and bon vivant Lee Klein introduced the world to his witty and compelling AI images at his debut art show on a recent Friday evening. With titles like “Wet Suited Water Skiers Waterski through Tiramisu Amusement Park in Venice,” he reveals his fascination with Surrealism. At the same time, he gives clues to getting machine intelligence to generate fun and striking images based on a few precise words.

I have had a lot of reservations about artificial intelligence, and still do. In this case, though, I approve of Lee Klein’s new form of alchemy.

Klein is an avid and active member of Fusionism. He is the first “Fusionist” to introduce AI-generated imagery into the artistic lexicon of the movement. Clearly, the new form of image manipulation is a form of art, and Fusionism is its natural continuum.

“Salvador Dali works for me now,” crowed the ebullient, newly minted visual creator Klein. And his images underscore the assertion. Dali is murdered on the dance floor in one image. Composer Alexander Scriabin, had he lived to old age, also makes appearances, as well as some other zany cultural references.

The exhibition and reception were held at the world-famous Copacabana on W. 51st Street. It was attended by a host of artists and writers, including Shalom Neuman, soft sculptress Natalia Diaz-Jackson, Anthony Haden-Guest, actress and director Anna Maria Cianciulli, Demetria Daniels, ceramic sculptor Ian Crofts and his wife, Abby, yours truly and many more. The dancing went on until near dawn.

Klein is making the images available in a series of limited-edition prints. For more information, he can be reached by e-mail at

DiLauro is a playwright, poet and roving cultural reporter.

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