No question, this country has a lot of problems.
A yuuge one right now is that we’ve got a president who doesn’t know if he wants the counting of election ballots to stop (Georgia, Pennsylvania) or continue (Arizona).
As a result, we saw thousands of people marching to Washington Square Park on Wednesday demanding, “Protect the Results!”
Meanwhile, protesters with a different agenda have also been marching around the Village, but decrying the police and setting trash fires.

And there’s the pandemic, of course, with the ever-present threat of another psychologically and financially crippling lockdown.
But one thing, at least, that we don’t have to worry about is the ice cream at Rite Aid. Yes… “Protect the Ice Cream!”
Thanks to a new locking device on the chilled treats, idiots can no longer lick the frozen confections and then put them back on the shelves for unsuspecting customers to buy. Oh yeah, we forgot to mention the reason why the jerks even lick the ice cream in the first place — so they can post a video on social media of their disgusting deed.
If you buy an ice cream with a lock, a store worker will remove it for you.
This is actually a thing? There is no hope for the human race.