Before Duane Reade recently put a formal policy into place for its stores, employees at an East Side outlet created some social distancing among the seating by the pharmacy. (Photo by The Village Sun)
Duane Reade’s new prescription for social distancing
March 25, 2020
Duane Reade / Walgreens has put new safety practices into place and has been changing store hours in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
A former 24-hour Duane Reade was recently cut back to 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. amid the coronavirus outbreak. (Photo by The Village Sun)
At a 24-hour store just north of the East Village, hours were recently cut back, bottles for recycling are no longer being accepted and signs urge shoppers to follow social-distancing practices.
The store is only allowing 10 shoppers inside at a time. One of the chief ways the highly contagious virus is spread is through large gatherings of people.
Duane Reade is limiting the number of customers inside its stores. (Photo by The Village Sun)Bottles are currently not being redeemed. (Photo by The Village Sun)The chain’s stores have been posting guidelines for social distancing. (Photo by The Village Sun)
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