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Posts published in “News”

Rep. Dan Goldman proposes Jan. 6 be named Democracy Day

BY THE VILLAGE SUN | January 6 today is known as a date of shame and infamy — a day when an angry, violent mob…

Judge orders developer to sell old P.S. 64 as two-decade-long fight to reclaim building still going strong

BY LINCOLN ANDERSON | Supporters of CHARAS El Bohio rallied outside the old P.S. 64 on Dec. 17 to mark the 21st anniversary of the…

A visit to Paul’s Place: New W. 14th St. homeless drop-in center / Safe Haven tries to stay under radar, but there have been some blips

BY LINCOLN ANDERSON | Paul’s Place, a new homeless drop-in center and Save Haven-style transitional shelter, opened in Greenwich Village in September. It was a…

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