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Protesters can’t get to Met Gala as police make arrests

Pro-Palestinian protesters rallied outside Hunter College on the Upper East Side on Mon., May 6, before marching off toward the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in hopes of demonstrating outside the glitzy annual Met Gala.

However, they never made it there. Police blocked the protesters’ way to the Met, arresting more than two dozen of them.

The group condemned Israel’s counteroffensive against Hamas. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
Police arrested more than two dozen protesters. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
A demonstrator atop a dumpster waved a Palestinian flag. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
Israel supporters drove a jeep through the crowd outside Hunter College. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
A bus rider watched the demonstration. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
The marchers headed through Central Park on their way toward the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
The group blocked traffic on their way toward the glitzy gala. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
Police moved in to make arrests for alleged disorderly conduct. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)
Protesters kept up their demonstration into the evening. (Photo by Q. Sakamaki)

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