BY LINCOLN ANDERSON | A woman who was in a lengthy coma after being hit by a wrong-way Citi Bike this past fall is reportedly doing better.
According to police, the 59-year-old was crossing Second Avenue at 38th Street in Murray Hill on Sept. 15 around 7:30 a.m. when she was struck in the bike lane by a regular, pedal-powered Citi Bike going northbound on the one-way, southbound street. (The Village Sun previously incorrectly reported that the cyclist was riding an electric Citi Bike.)
The woman fell and struck her head, suffering severe head trauma. She was taken to Bellevue Hospital in critical condition, reportedly lingering in a coma for several months.
A police spokesperson said the woman’s family on Dec. 6 told police that her condition had “improved.”
In addition, the cyclist was tracked down after what the police spokesperson said was “a lot of investigation” by the department’s Collision Investigation Squad. A 62-year-old Manhattan man, he was given summonses for riding in the wrong direction and running a red light.
Police would not divulge the woman’s identity, but the spokesperson shared that, according to the incident report, she was apparently leaving work and may have been wearing hospital scrubs. So it’s possible she might have been coming off an overnight shift at New York University Langone Hospital or another N.Y.U. medical facility in the area. N.Y.U. Langone did not respond to a request for information.
The Village Sun was able to find out that the woman lives at an apartment building two blocks from the spot of the collision. A doorman said she had resided there for a year or two.

Workers at Le Jardin Rose, a flower shop across the street from where the woman was hit, said police viewed the store’s security video of the incident. One of the workers, who also viewed the video, said the woman fell and hit the back of her head on the ground, possibly the curb, which at that spot has a metal sheathing. She said it was clearly a Citi Bike, a non-electric one. The worker said the video showed, that after knocking the woman down, the cyclist stayed at the scene until an ambulance arrived. When the ambulance took the victim to the hospital, the cyclist pedaled off. She said that, according to the victim’s brother-in-law, who has stopped into the store at least twice, the cyclist was going to the hospital to check on the woman’s condition. Police showed up at the collision scene a couple of minutes after the cyclist had left.
The flower shop worker said the victim’s brother-in-law most recently came into the store a little before Christmas and asked the owner for a copy of the security video. The victim had just come out of a coma “the day before,” the employee said.
“He wanted the video because they don’t want to convict the guy — and to pay the hospital bills,” she said.
The employee said she sees accidents all the time outside the store in the busy Second Avenue bike lane.
“Every week — one a week,” she said. “All kinds of bikes.”
She noted a bicycle delivery worker once even hit her, hurting her arm.
Another local merchant, Mike, owner of the nearby East Side Barber Shop, who only gave his first name, said the brother-in-law and the flower shop owner both got haircuts there at the same time one day before Christmas, during which they discussed the incident and the woman, who unfortunately still has not made a full recovery.
“The brother-in-law said she’s recovered but not [doing] well,” the barber said, as he wobbled a hand by the side of his head.
The incident has parallels to a Citi Bike collision in Chinatown on Sept. 5, when Priscilla Loke, 69, a beloved local preschool teacher, was hit by an electric Citi Bike, which is heavier and faster than a regular bike-share bike. Unlike the Murray Hill victim, though, Loke did not survive being knocked down. The cyclist — whom police let go at the scene — was eventually found and given a ticket for running a red light. He was hit with the maximum penalty — a $200 fine.
I agree that any person on wheels who hits and injures or kills a pedestrian should suffer the consequences. I don’t care what kind of wheels.
Why are these riders not being charged with crimes?
Mike Bloomberg appointed Janet Sadik-Khan was the worst DOT Chairperson ever. The NYC roads were deplorable (major unpaved potholes and fading white lane lines) while all the DOT budget money was spent on pedestrian plazas at 42nd, 34th and 23rd streets along Broadway causing increased traffic on the surrounding streets. Add to that more and more bus and bike lanes – no wonder we have congestion.
May I suggest we start calling them…
“Collision” makes it sound like one of them ran into another vehicle.
The basis for the current public safety crisis is a result of reckless negligence on the part of the city administrations. First, there was never an environmental impact study conducted: The “visionaries” know best. Second, I was told by an elected public official that “the reason there is NO ENFORCEMENT IS BECAUSE TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES DOESN’T WANT IT.” A neat two birds with one stone. Create danger and chaos and undermine the NYPD
TA still asserts that enforcement is not an option. The bike programs that TA bastardized come from Europe, where there are different logistics of street width and population density, and where they work diligently to establish and maintain responsible bike cultures. Enforcement is the backbone.
Years ago, an aide to then-Councilmember Rosie Mendez and TA member told me the basis for the no-enforcement advocacy was because, “The more bikes on the streets the safer the streets.” By removing the possibility of fines or confiscation, it would encourage ridership. Proof is in the pudding. Danger
on the streets and sidewalks. Deaths. Bludgeoning of the quality of life.
How’s that for being good for the environment? How’s that for being good for health? Then-Commissioner of Dept of Transportation Janette Sadik-Khan in 2010 publicly acknowledged that Trans Alt was her brain trust. Its members
occupied most important positions in that department. Sadik-Khan stated shamelessly that her intention was to push through as much of the bike program as fast as possible and make it as difficult as possible for any future
administration to rectify. Witness the results of that hubris.
Finally, it is the opinion of people familiar with public policy that congestion pricing has been a hidden agenda since the formation of Trans Alt. Again, no environmental impact study. Discrimination against people who commute for work. Discrimination against people of modest income. Does this factor into former Mayor Bloomberg’s stated desire to make NYC a “luxury destination”? Added pollution in lower-income areas. Check out the lawsuits.
Also, in NYC bicycling siphons from mass transit use.
Bicyclists – especially Citibikers – are former bus and subway riders.
Bicyclists are not former drivers – bicycling does not reduce driving.
BTW DOT is now actively encouraging bicycling – not encouraging use of MTA bus and subway.
And the bicycle lobby Trans Alt etc has no interest in bus mass transit as it pushed for “open streets “ even on bus routes forcing bus detours!
Policy sabotage of the bus system.
Before the explosion of Citi Bike use, when crossing a street you would wait for a green light and then proceed. Now you wait for the light, have to look both ways in the bike lane (as 90% of cyclists don’t pay attention to red lights and often ride in the wrong direction), proceed into the main lane of traffic and again look both ways, since cyclists often move into the traffic lanes to go around pedestrians, and literally keep your head on a swivel as you are still in peril from a bike coming out of a perpendicular street. And then you have to deal with cyclists riding on the sidewalk.
I got hit by a bike and now have a permanent hearing loss in one ear as the rider flew over his handle bars when he braked (too late I may add) and hit the side of my head with the top of his metal helmet.
Cleaner air? Perhaps. Increased danger just walking on the street? That’s for sure.
Why is this not a bigger crime? If you kill a pedestrian with your car you are arrested.
Why are the charges so low? Felony assault at the minimum, and some form of homicide charges if the victim dies! So the victim’s family don’t want to press charges? Shouldn’t matter. Press!
So that is the difference between getting hit by a pedal bike as opposed to being hit by an E-bike or E-vehicle. The pedal bike you are in a coma and the E-bike you are Dead. It boils down to the speed at which the bike is traveling. The big lie is the new white Citi Bike turns off after 20 MPH — NOT TRUE. City law #40 states the E-bike must only go 20MPH; it doesn’t take into account the plethora of E-vehicles on our streets such as Skateboards, uniwheels, boogie boards, stand-up scooters, mopeds. I understand that we want a walkable city like London, Rome, Paris. But they do not allow E-vhicle insanity and what is so green about plugging your E-vehicle into a wall? If you haven’t been hit by one yet, don’t worry you will…
NYC, especially Manhattan, was a wonderful, walkable place — until Bloomberg (per the bike lobby) started bike lanes, Citibike etc.
Fast forward — now toxic for pedestrians due to:
Dept. of Transportation run by bike lobby.
Entitled pedal bikes, e-bikes, scooters everywhere and who disregard traffic rules and curse pedestrians.