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Harvey Epstein snags local politicians’ endorsements in Council 2 race

BY THE VILLAGE SUN | Following Assemblymember Harvey Epstein’s recent announcement of his City Council campaign, he has added the endorsements of three area politicians — Congressmember Jerry Nadler, state Senator Kristen Gonzalez and Councilmember Keith Powers.

The latest endorsements add to the support he received at his campaign launch from more than 30 activists, including tenant association presidents, district leaders and community leaders. The district stretches from the Baruch Houses on the Lower East Side up to the United Nations.

The three pols who hopped on Epstein’s bandwagon Tuesday cited his advocacy work for tenants and environmental justice and fighting to save Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital from closure.

“I’m honored to have endorsements from Representative Nadler, Senator Gonzalez and Councilmember Powers,” Epstein said. “I look forward to the opportunity to build on our work together on behalf of East Siders.”

His latest support spans from the local to federal level, and sets his campaign apart from those of his opponents as the first to receive endorsements from sitting elected officials.

“I am proud to endorse Harvey Epstein’s run for City Council’s District 2,” Nadler said. “Harvey has been a forceful advocate for the East Side, whether it’s standing up for tenants, helping college graduates receive loan forgiveness or fighting for a sustainable and resilient future. Through our shared efforts to stop Beth Israel’s closure, I have seen how dedicated he is to helping our community. He is a tenacious representative for East Siders, who have wisely reelected him [to the Assembly]. His decades of experience as a legal services lawyer and community organizer provide him the ideal skill set to serve as the 2nd District’s next councilmember. He has my full support.”

“Harvey’s record of fighting for our community makes him the best choice to represent District 2 in the City Council,” said Gonzalez. “I am proud to work with him to protect tenants, our environment, fight back against Mount Sinai Beth Israel’s closure and create and preserve affordable housing. He has been a relentless advocate for his community, and I know our shared work will continue. I look forward to an energetic campaign driven by his strong grassroots support.”

“Harvey has been a critical partner in protecting tenants in our community,” Power said, “from his efforts to pass the strongest tenant protections in the form of the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act [of 2019] and his partnership in protecting hundreds of tenants at Waterside Plaza. Harvey has been a consistent and tireless advocate for the East Side and I know he will bring the same energy and effective leadership to the City Council. That’s why I’m endorsing him.”

Epstein said he will be rolling out more political endorsements as the campaign goes along. There’s plenty of time since the Democratic primary election for the Council seat will be in June 2025. So far, three other candidates are also in the running, including Andrea Gordillo, Sarah Batchu and Jason Morillo. There is speculation that Allie Ryan may also enter the race. Carlina Rivera, who currently holds the seat, will be term-limited at the end of next year.

Epstein is currently also running unopposed for reelection to the Assembly this year.

One Comment

  1. Gojira Gojira May 31, 2024

    The fix is in. This district will have him shoved down our throats regardless of whether or not we want him by virtue of the fact that we have so many short-term residents, going as far up as 34th Street, for God’s sake, who don’t bother to vote or who just take the easy route, simply listening to the loudest voice, without bothering to actually do any research.

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