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Gone with the wind: Tompkins trees suffer some damage in storm

The big rainstorm last week wreaked some damage in Tompkins Square Park.

Cordoned off with yellow tape, a tree never Avenue A took a big hit, with multiple large boughs shredded and snapped.

(Photo by Jack Brown)

Over on the park’s Avenue B side, the destruction was not as bad. The next day, people were back to lounging and, in some cases, living beneath the tree canopy without fear of more falling limbs.


  1. jacDog jacDog July 24, 2024

    The Avenue A side tree is huge and susceptible to further damage. Much of it arches over the sidewalk on 7th Streeet. An untimely branch crashing down could cause a loss of life. Let the city and Parks Dept. be so advised. Pedestrian beware.

  2. An annoyed resident An annoyed resident July 23, 2024

    If this park was genuinely maintained, these tree limbs would have already been removed / trimmed. The park needs a real Parks Dept UNION gardening team. Not LES Ecology Center bringing in corporate volunteer groups.

    Thanks, Carlina, for nothing / for negotiating the budget and giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to other parks while Tompkins Square Park goes to shit. And no mention about the park’s public safety issues in your most recent newsletter.

    The only way that the park will look nice & be maintained is if a park conservancy is created to raise money to pay for a Union gardening group.

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