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Drug beat: 6th Precinct keeps making arrests

BY THE VILLAGE SUN | Officers from Greenwich Village’s Sixth Precinct are keeping busy arresting drug dealers in and around Washington Square Park.

Local residents, meanwhile, say still more can be done.


  1. JDOEinGV JDOEinGV August 6, 2024

    Cut off the supply and prosecute these dealers who are killing our city.
    Great work !!!!!

    • Jkiam Jkiam August 7, 2024

      Killing our city! Not funding Sanitation Dept enough to empty street garbage receptacles before they overflow would be better. So much depends on tourism — and the streets are filthy!

  2. Ted Todorov Ted Todorov August 5, 2024

    Good work! I hope there is more of it to come.

  3. JSS JSS August 5, 2024

    Imprison the dealers. Enough of this bail reform nonsense. Also, arrest users and mandate inpatient (dual path) treatment as punishment (as opposed to prison) and off-ramp in a community home far away from city and their toxic community.

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