BY THE VILLAGE SUN | A young cyclist was injured in a collision with a car in the Madison Park area, police said.
According to police, on Sat., Dec. 30, at 10:05 a.m., a cyclist, 23, was traveling southbound on Park Avenue South at 27th Street while a car was going northbound on the other side of the avenue. The car then turned left onto 27th Street, heading west, and collided with the cyclist.
The biker was removed by medics to Bellevue Hospital with serious injuries but in stable condition and “not likely” to die, according to a police supervisor on the scene afterward.
The driver remained at the scene.

During the collision investigation, police closed off the south side of Park Avenue South between 26th and 28th Streets and also 27th Street between Park Avenue South and Madison Avenue until noon.
A police spokesperson said the investigation into the collision is ongoing and that it wasn’t immediately clear, based on the information he had right at hand, who had the right of way.
It wasn’t clear to the police who had the right of way? Since there’s no dedicated left turn signal at this location, the southbound bicycle rider had the right of way. A northbound driver taking a left turn onto westbound 27th Street must make sure that southbound Park Avenue is clear before taking the left turn. Doesn’t matter if it’s a motor vehicle, a bicycle or a pedestrian crossing 27th street. Because this is NYC the injuring driver walks off without a summons and the bike rider suffers for the rest of his life.
It is also fair to say that cyclists who injure pedestrians also walk away.
And unfortunately NYC cyclists routinely go through red lights, go the wrong way – and even where there are bike lanes, many cyclists ignore bike lanes.
Do you favor incarceration/imprisonment?
What specifically should be the consequence?
Did the rider have ear buds and was he texting might also be asked?
Bike riders can no longer play the victim
The Bicycle Bolsheviks have ruined the streets for everyone, riders , drivers and pedestrians. There’s more traffic sense in Calcutta. Crossing 1st Ave is like playing dodgeball with 3 balls
The “Climate” cultists will only be satisfied when we!re living in caves without the wheel
Was is a “collision with car” or “cyclist struck by car”?
Bill, the police did not provide much information at this point. What is known is that a cyclist was seriously injured. A police spokesperson used the word “collided.” The police investigation hopefully may provide more details.