BY THE VILLAGE SUN | A scolding over a whiz led to a slashing in the neck in the East Village.
Police said that on Sun., Jan. 21, around 5:05 p.m., a man was relieving himself on a car outside the McDonald’s at 404 E. 14th St., just east of First Avenue, next to Immaculate Conception Church, when a 66-year-old man told him to stop.

Pissed off at being told to hold his flow, the unidentified urinator whipped out a box cutter and slashed the older man in the neck, causing a severe cut and bleeding. The pee-happy perp then fled on foot.
The victim was removed by E.M.S. ambulance to Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in critical condition.

Surveillance photos show the suspect wearing a red-and-black The North Face puffer jacket and a gray hat, pulling a small shopping cart and carrying a cup containing a golden-colored liquid in his hand. He sported a light growth of dark facial hair.
Police ask that anyone with information call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). Tips can also be submitted on the Crime Stoppers Web site at or on Twitter at @NYPDTips.
In front of Mickey D’s’?
I guess he wanted the Golden Arches to
be a little more golden!
The hospital has restrooms. So do other buildings, some of which might have allowed him to use them. As a woman, an older one at that, with a demanding bladder, I have never in my life urinated in a street, subway station, etc. P.S.: I have seen “fathers” where I live lead their little boys to trees on which to urinate. They live here, so they could take the darlings home to pee, AND there is a restroom just yards away from the trees which they sometimes treat like toilet bowls.
There are too few bathrooms not to mention too few ways to sustainably live! Thieves market? “Our” entire economic system is a thieves market.
These conditions pressure us to become rats in a maze. If one must criticize a fellow citizen, best do it politely. Except for the damn bicyclists on the sidewalk :)!
Women manage to never urinate in the street like that. This means that it is possible for men not to either.
When you gotta go, you gotta go. Perhaps between the cars discretely next time. Better than doing time.
“The victim was removed by E.M.S. ambulance to Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in critical condition.” Just saying — we need that Hospital.
Gee, maybe now the cops will actually do something about the open-air bathroom and Thieves’ Market 14th between 1st and A has become? Something a bit more than an occasional showing up, quick confiscation of the trash being peddled, and then many more months of ignoring the issue, which pops up again within minutes after the cops leave? Or are they too busy closing down all the illegal pot shops? (Please note: That is sarcasm. As usual, the 9th continues to be the worst do-nothing precinct in the city, a distinction they’ve held since at least the late 1970s.)