BY CLAUDE SOLNIK | Monday is traditionally the day when theaters are dark, stages are empty and performers take a break, providing a kind of industrywide intermission. It is also a day when events designed for performers and the theatergoing community often take place.
So, about 200 people, including performers, donors and simply fans of one of New York City’s longest-going and truest homes to new work united Feb. 12, as Theater for the New City held its 21st annual Love N’ Courage benefit at the Players club on Gramercy Park South.

Phoebe Legere emceed and performed at the event where Charles Busch sang, Penny Arcade (the evening’s honoree) performed, TNC’s Street Theater cast performed and students in the theater’s after-school cultural arts program belted out a song.
TNC Creative Artistic Director Crystal Field, an impresario who has helped bring so many performers and creators’ work to the public, spoke about the East Village theater’s performers, its mission and ongoing role in presenting new work.
It was at once a night to showcase theater and performers and, for a moment, to appreciate, and financially and spiritually support, the theater itself, such an essential element for performers and audiences.

Performers repeatedly singled out co-founder Field, as well as TNC itself, located at 155 First Ave., at 10th Street, for Field’s role in nurturing creativity, careers and craft, helping them find a voice that otherwise might never have emerged.
TNC board member Mary Tierney put it simply, saying the event was held at the Players club, a landmark, “just like Theater for The New City.” While theaters themselves don’t typically get applause at performances, many paid tribute to the theater, its leaders and staff.
“Crystal was right there rooting for me” over the years, Legere said, calling her a mentor, as the evening began. “Let’s make some theatrical magic,” Legere declared, before launching an evening of performance interspersed with praise.

City Councilmember Carlina Rivera, chairperson of the Council’s Cultural Affairs Committee, announced a grant for the theater to support the building itself, and called Crystal Field a “a visionary and a pioneer” who had created a “special place” with “heart and grit.”
“Theater for New City is a garden that allows us to create with freedom and abandon,” playwright and director Melanie Maria Goodreaux said. “I appreciate everyone who has paved the way for all kinds of stories, in all its diversity, to find the humanity that we all crave and the company and people that we all crave at Theater for the New City.”
Performers talked about how TNC has been there for them, providing a kind of artistic home and a loyalty that translates into opportunity.
“Crystal said, ‘Write a play and I will produce it,”’ Charles Busch said of his debut as a playwright.

Field was not only there at the beginning, but over the years, just as Busch has remained loyal to the theater that helped him grow.
“Crystal produced my very first play, ‘Rise,’ when I was very young and it was a terrible play, but she never lost faith in me,” Busch said. “Over the years, every time I’ve been totally traumatized by my experience in showbiz, I would retreat to Theater for the New City and each time my hopes and dreams have been restored.”
Actor F. Murray Abraham provided a thousand-dollar check as a form of financial support for this Downtown theatrical institution.

The cast of “Ella the Ungovernable,” by David McDonald, performed in another memorable moment at the event, which also included an excerpt from “The Boy Who Listened to Paintings,” by Dean Kostos and Paul Kirby.
The Yip Harburg Rainbow Troupe performed songs by lyricist and librettist Yip Harburg. Carol Tandava Arts’ Whimsical Hips gave a belly dancing performance.
Brianna Bartenieff said she was working on her first play, which she said would be presented at Theater for the New City.

Penny Arcade, though, may have best summarized the night, indicating TNC provides not just a place to be heard, but a way for performers to discover themselves.
“At Theater For the New City, I started to find my voice,” the spoken-word artist said. She then launched into a performance, a tribute to her talent and to TNC’s and Crystal Field’s ability to give people a place and the space to find themselves and be found by audiences.
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