BY PENNY MINTZ | On Thurs., Feb. 6, the full Public Health and Health Planning Council voted to greenlight the downsizing of Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital.
On Jan. 23, the P.H.H.P.C. Establishment and Project Review Committee had voted to approve Mount Sinai Health System’s application for a certificate of need that would enable Mount Sinai to build a 70-bed facility to replace the existing 650-bed Beth Israel Hospital building at First Ave. and E. 16th St. However, that approval included three conditions.
The first condition requires Mount Sinai to submit a plan that would help patients navigate the evolving Mount Sinai Health System. This plan must be acceptable to the state Department of Health, and it must be provided to the department within 90 days of P.H.H.P.C.’s approval letter.
Second, no later than 90 days before the new 70-bed facility opens, Mount Sinai must provide the Department of Health with a comprehensive transition plan, including a communications plan, that is acceptable to D.O.H.
Third, within 18 months of P.H.H.P.C.’s approval letter, Mount Sinai must submit documentation of its exploration of the possibility of opening a birthing center at the new mini-hospital, which is slated for Second Ave. between E. 14th and E. 13th Sts. The documentation must include a business feasibility study, potential site locations, review of quality and safety concerns, and consideration of birthing center governance models.
Two members of the P.H.H.P.C. opposed the application. One of them, Dr. Howard Berliner, who is a professor at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and chairs that hospital’s Health Policy and Management Council, had three serious issues with Mount Sinai’s application.

First, Berliner pointed out that a large number of acute-care beds have already been removed from Lower Manhattan, which has a growing population and experiences the largest daily surge in population of anyplace in the United States. He did not think that removing another 500 beds and replacing them with a smaller 70-bed facility “is adequate in a part of New York City which is growing in population.”
P.H.H.P.C. Chairperson Jeffrey Kraut, who is the executive vice president for strategy and analytics at Northwell Health, asked him, “So you would rather have the St. Vincent’s outcome?”
He was referring to the closure of St. Vincent’s Hospital in 2010, after which the Greenwich Village hospital campus was replaced with a high-end residential development.
Berliner replied that developing luxury housing at the current Beth Israel Hospital site was not the only option. Mount Sinai could, for example, be required to build a 150-bed acute-care replacement facility, he pointed out.
Berliner also took issue with Mount Sinai’s emergency-room plan.
“The E.R. is overcrowded today,” he said, “and the increase in [its] size is not enough to make up for the lack of acute-care beds in that area.”

Berliner added that it is great to have primary-care clinics and other medical-practice plans — as he noted of the expanded Downtown Mount Sinai network. But, he noted, “Those don’t operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
He added that he finds Mount Sinai’s E.R. plans for Lower Manhattan to be “just scary.”
Finally, Berliner said he did not believe that adding an outpatient birthing center was a sufficient answer to the problem of access to maternity care that was created in Lower Manhattan when Mount Sinai closed Beth Israel’s highly successful maternity unit.
Chairperson Kraut instructed the P.H.H.P.C. members that their determination was based on three criteria: whether a project is needed, whether it is financially feasible, and whether the applicant has the “character and competence” to carry it out.
Guaranteeing the healthcare of New Yorkers is not, unfortunately, among of the concerns that P.H.H.P.C. is charged with applying.
Tracy Raleigh, the P.H.H.P.C. member who represents the state Department of Health, promised that, in view of public concern over the application, the department would report back to the full P.H.H.P.C. regarding Mount Sinai’s compliance with the conditions put on the council’s approval.
After the application passed with two P.H.H.P.C. members voting to oppose, nearly half of the people in the audience got up and left. That was an indication of the continuing level of public concern.
That’s nuts. St Vincent closed and wasn’t replaced at all. Now this? Where will lower manhattan people go?
Mont Sinai is to Hospitals what NYU is to Real Estate..a GIANT PAC-Man monster eating up everything in its path.
Mount Sinai is an UPTOWN hospital. They are proving that everyday.
They do not give a rats eggplant about lower Manhattan.
1- We are a terror target
2- We are a critical flood zone
3- We are a HUGE & ever-growing population center
4- We need a facility with an ER, Peds, trauma & regular hospital with all the specialists IN HOUSE and ON SITE. In other word WE NEED TO KEEP THE First Ave Center & expand it.
HECK BIMC was open during Superstorm Sandy when Bellevue & NYU flooded and the rest of LM hospitals were blacked out,
THERE is a HUGE population in all the highrises (be it STPCV or NYCHA etc that DEMAND better service than scaled down scattersite medical facilities. SCREW that you money hoarders
NO CONDOS for your rudeness. You do NOT deserve to dip into a toni RE market in our hood while at the same time removing vital services.
& BTW…
The urgent care MDS and other emergency medical professionals were TRAINED in BIMC (‘Sinai” First Aves ER!)
AND HOW DARE you end this program, graduating the last class last year.
You do NOT deserve our patronage, or our insurance premiums, while you wrap a noose around our necks and kick out the foundation of services needed. LEAVE OUR HEALTH & Our HOOD ALONE
adding a birthing center? well we lost Sanger on 14th St so…use your new LITTLE 70-bed-er for a Birthing center. That will be a popular draw.
TRY to claim you/WE have ANTIQUATED FACILITIES at BIMC/’Sinai” First Ave center.
Dahlings, I have watched floor by floor renovations over the past 20 odd years.
Bellevue HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE 1736!!! They just add to the site. not slash & burn and throw popcorn services in the air. They also do have affiliated clinics.
Where will people who live in the village find hospital care?