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Goldman praises ‘selfless’ Biden for dropping out — urges ‘mentally deteriorated’ Trump to follow suit

Saying Donald Trump is “suffering from clear mental deterioration,” Dan Goldman called on the ex-president to scrap his reelection bid — just like Joe Biden.

In a press release Sunday a bit more than an hour after Joe Biden had bailed out of the race, the Lower Manhattan representative said Trump must pass the torch to a younger candidate — adding, “who is not a convicted felon.”

“For more than 50 years, President Joe Biden has represented the very best of public service,” the District 10 congressmember said. ” He has overcome unfathomable personal sorrow and heartache to valiantly represent Delaware in the Senate for 36 years, wisely serve as vice president for eight years, and brilliantly lead our nation back from a domestic and international low point during his historically productive and successful presidency.

“In the ultimate demonstration of personal sacrifice for the benefit of our country, President Biden has made the difficult but selfless decision to pass the torch to the next generation of leaders in the Democratic Party to ensure that our democracy remains strong and true.

“The American people have made it clear that they want a new generation of leaders to run for president,” Goldman continued. “President Biden has unselfishly heeded that call in order to preserve and protect our democracy, while the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, a 78-year-old suffering from clear mental deterioration, continues to put his personal interests over those of the nation’s in his effort to avoid jail and tear down our democracy in the process.

“I urge Donald Trump to follow President Biden’s lead and put the country first by passing his party’s baton to a younger and healthier candidate who is not a convicted felon.

“President Biden has greatly benefited from having Vice President Kamala Harris by his side in enacting unprecedented legislation to revitalize our nation’s infrastructure, return manufacturing jobs to our shores, reduce prescription drug prices, invest in energy independence through renewable energy, and return the United States to global preeminence.

“I proudly endorse Vice President Harris for president,” Goldman declared, “and look forward to working with her to preserve and protect our democracy and defeat Donald Trump on November 5.

“Together, we will finish the job.”

One Comment

  1. Carol Frances Yost Carol Frances Yost August 4, 2024

    That’s a beautifully worded appeal to Trump. We know he won’t comply, but it’s going to have an impact. Meanwhile, I don’t think we need to go after global preeminence. We’ve played the big shot at other nations’ expense for many years. It’s time to step back and be a partner, not an emperor.

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