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‘We need Harvey here’: Bottcher endorses Epstein for City Council

BY THE VILLAGE SUN | The Harvey Epstein for Council endorsement train keeps on rolling.

On Monday, City Councilmember Erik Bottcher announced his support for the assemblymember, who last month in the East Village launched his campaign for Council District 2 with the backing of community leaders and former Councilmembers Rosie Mendez and Margarita Lopez.

Epstein is also currently running for reelection to the Assembly in next Tuesday’s Democratic primary election. The Council primary is a year away, next June.

Bottcher endorsed Epstein in Madison Square Park, where the latter’s current Assembly district overlaps with the easternmost part of the the former’s Council district, to “celebrate their joint vision for the future of Lower Manhattan.”

Councilmember Erik Bottcher, right, endorsed Assemblymember Harvey Epstein for City Council at Madison Square Park on June 17. (Photo by © Jefferson Siegel)

“I am proud to have the endorsement of my friend and colleague Councilmember Bottcher,” Epstein said. “Erik and I share a vision of making our neighborhood a place for everyone to succeed, regardless of background. I have been fortunate to work closely with him on concerns of affordable housing and the Save Mount Sinai Beth Israel Campaign. I look forward to our future partnership if elected to the City Council.”

The pair of politicos also regularly collaborate on events, most recently a paper shred day earlier this spring.

“Justice, livability, dogs…”: Harvey Epstein supporters held signs during his endorsement by Erik Bottcher. (Photo by © Jefferson Siegel)

“I’m proud to endorse my friend and colleague Harvey Epstein to be the next councilmember for District 2,” Bottcher said. “I’ve known and worked with Harvey for many years and we need him as a colleague on the City Council as we confront the immense challenges facing our city. His experience as an assemblymember, public-interest lawyer, community board chairperson, PTA president, tenant representative on the Rent Guidelines Board and more will be invaluable to us on the City Council. Harvey has my full support in this campaign.”

Bottcher represents City Council District 3, including Greenwich Village, Chelsea, Hell’s Kitchen, Hudson Square, Flatiron, Times Square, the Theater District and the Garment District.

Councilmember Erik Bottcher, right, said the state Legislature’s loss will be the New York City Council’s gain. (Photo by © Jefferson Siegel)

Epstein is currently the assemblymember for District 74, including part of the Lower East Side, the East Village, Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village, Murray Hill, Kips Bay, Tudor City and the United Nations. Council District 2, for which he is campaigning, includes part of Greenwich Village and the Lower East Side, the East Village, Midtown South, Flatiron, Union Square, Gramercy, Murray Hill and Kips Bay.

Carlina Rivera, who currently represents City Council District 2, will be term-limited out of office at the end of next year. There has been a rumor she would run for Epstein’s Assembly seat, should he win election to the Council, but she has previously denied their having any discussions about it.

Last month, after his campaign launch, Epstein told The Village Sun, “I’ve talked to a lot of people about the opportunity [to run for the Assembly seat],” adding he was confident “someone great” would win it, assuming he moves on to the City Council.

A number of politicians have already endorsed Epstein, including Congressmember Jerrold Nadler, state Senator Kristen Gonzalez and Councilmember Keith Powers, along with Congressmember Daniel Goldman, state Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and Assemblymember Deborah Glick.

Other declared Democratic candidates in the District 2 race include Andrea Gordillo and Sarah Batchu.


  1. Ron Wisniski Ron Wisniski June 20, 2024

    Term limits. Musical chairs. All the same fools just in different offices.

  2. jacDog jacDog June 20, 2024

    AM Epstein is the East Side version of former Senator Alphonse D’Amato a.k.a. Senator “Pothole.” Paper shredding is lovely. What about public safety and the revolving door that has turned bad actors loose on the streets as soon as they have been processed? What about bad bail reform said to be justified because of “racism” Then there is the lack of a responsible bike and micro-transport culture. Transportation Alternatives has endorsed Mr. Epstein. Does this mean that he would not support Priscilla’s Law, which would regulate e-bikes and otherwise-powered 2-wheeled vehicles?

    Mr. Epstein has demonstrated a multifaceted ability in public service. Another aspect of his ascent is the facility to curry favor with those he believes carry weight regardless of position or policy. In other words, a politician.

    We look forward to seeing the politician adjust his priorities to reflect the common good and common sense.

  3. Pete Pete June 19, 2024

    Eh. Another woke politician.

    • Roberta Schine Roberta Schine June 20, 2024

      Hey Pete, Harvey’s been called worse than “woke.” He has my enthusiasm and my woke vote!

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